Anodot Resources Page 36


Anodot Resources Page 36

Anodot for browsi
Videos & Podcasts 4 min read

Adtech Startup Browsi Credits Anodot with Faster Time to Detection & Time to Resolution

Browsi manages half a billion events - DAILY. In the fast-paced world of adtech, even small glitches can quickly cost tens of thousands of dollars.
Blog Post 6 min read

Can Your Big Data Company Forego Anomaly Detection?

While enterprise leaders are constantly looking to innovate, there’s one area where “business as usual” should be a focus — spotting anomalies in your data.
Anodot Main Image
Documents 1 min read

Case Study: Affiliate Marketing Company Uses Anodot to Proactively Manage 1000s of Fast-Moving Accounts

While managing tens of thousands of affiliates producing millions of pieces of content, this adtech company found it difficult to monitor the business and technical incidents that impact their bottom line. See how Autonomous Analytics changed the way they work.
Business glitch, disaster, business loss, revenue loss, business crisis, revenue drop, damage
Blog Post 6 min read

4 Business Disasters That Could Have Been Avoided With Real-Time Anomaly Detection

Companies that implement real-time anomaly detection can stay ahead of glitches, bugs and downtime. These four companies could have avoided serious business disasters if they had done the same.
Videos & Podcasts 41 min read

Anodot Hosts Industry Leaders for Discussion About Present & Future of AI in Business

Data officers from Hulu, TripAdvisor and Aldo Group joined Anodot to discuss utilizing AI/ML for business, the future of AI, and practical tips for implementation.
Blog Post, Anodot, AngularJS, React, Migration
Blog Post 4 min read

Migrating AngularJS to React and Keeping it Sane

We decided to migrate from AngularJS to React. Lead client app developer Menny Rachmanny walks you through the process.
Videos & Podcasts 3 min read

Anodot for Gaming: How Anodot Spots Usage Incidents First

This is the story of a frustrated data scientist at a gaming company, who spent his days frequently checking dashboards, hoping nothing would go wrong. Then, he found Anodot.
Blog Post 5 min read

3 Ways Malcolm Gladwell’s 'Outliers' Anticipated the Value of Real-Time Anomaly Detection

At Anodot, we’ve also made it our mission to spot outliers, albeit of the data variety. How then might some of Gladwell’s insights apply to the field of anomaly detection?
Smart Axiata Video Testimonial For Anodot
Videos & Podcasts 2 min read

Cambodia's Leading Mobile Telco Smart Axiata Uses Anodot to Ensure Seamless Service

CTO Andrey Kuzin shares how he and his team use Anodot to catch network incidents faster and lower time to remediation.