Anodot Resources Page 34


Anodot Resources Page 34

Game of Thrones data analysis
Blog Post 5 min read

These GOT Fans Use AI/ML For Next-Level Predictions

Its reign is over, but "Game of Thrones" is far from a dead subject. Fans spent the final seasons compiling painstaking analysis – complete with algorithms, AI and big data sets –  to find hidden Easter eggs.
Videos & Podcasts 2 min read

Anodot for ITOps: Gaining Your Fastest Time to Resolution

Anodot is a proactive way to run your IT Operations, used by the world’s leading data-driven companies. Our Autonomous Analytics platform uses AI to continuously scan all ETL metadata to monitor changes in behavior. Billions of events are filtered into just the alerts you need.
glitch, impact alert, alert story, hotel booking, travel, reservation, price glitch, Anodot, anomaly detection, alert
Blog Post 1 min read

Impact Alert: Why Was a Spike in Hotel Bookings No Cause for Celebration?

One of the world’s leading bed banks - a wholesaler of hotel allocations to B2B and B2C clients – recently experienced a surge in bookings. Great news, right? Not really.
time series data, signal, anomaly detection, outlier analysis, Anodot
Blog Post 5 min read

Searching for Actionable Signals: A Closer Look at Time Series Data Anomaly Detection

This article begins our three-part series in which we take a closer look at the specific techniques Anodot uses to extract insights from your data.
Videos & Podcasts 2 min read

Anodot for Partner Monitoring: Monitor Third-Party Tools At Scale

Learn how you can scale the way you monitor and analyze third-party tools and systems to find and fix mission-critical issues immediately.
Videos & Podcasts 2 min read

Anodot: 2-Minute Overview of Autonomous Business Monitoring

Watch how Anodot uses machine learning to find and correlate business anomalies, providing the kind of real-time alerts that reduce time to detection by as much as 80 percent.
Crimes in Chicago, Anodot blog
Blog Post 4 min read

Crime and Anomalies in the Windy City

When is it safest to visit Chicago parks? To walk the city’s streets? To be a kid? Here are three incredible anomalies our Chief Data Scientist Ira Cohen detected in Chicago law enforcement data.
anodot gaming demo
Videos & Podcasts 2 min read

Anodot for eCommerce: Catching Revenue Leaks and Hidden Opportunities In Real Time

Anodot is a proactive way to run your eCommerce business, used by the world’s leading data-driven companies.
Videos & Podcasts 42 min read

Deep Learning for Time Series Data (O'Reilly AI Conference)

Arun Kejariwal and Ira Cohen share a novel two-step approach for building more reliable prediction models by integrating anomalies in them.