Anodot Documents Page 4


Anodot Documents Page 4

Documents 1 min read

Case Study: Manage Telecom Network Operations With Anodot's AI-Powered Analytics

Find out how Anodot is helping a telco company analyze and generate actionable insights from terabytes of siloed network data.
Documents 3 min read

Anodot is a 2016 Gartner Cool Vendor in Analytics

Anodot is one of five companies identified in this year’s report as “innovative vendors redefining the types of analysis that are feasible for organizations to perform” by providing high levels of automation or extending analytics’ reach to new classes of user and new types of decisions.
Documents 4 min read

Case Study: Uprise’s 'Monitoring on Steroids' with Anodot

Read the case study to see how Uprise used Anodot to avoid major problems such as server outages.
Documents 3 min read

Case Study: Anodot's Useful eCommerce Insights for Wix

Wix needed a real-time alert system that would indicate issues without manual threshold settings in the key metrics. Anodot proved to be the system required for providing the necessary insights to the company's analysts.
Documents 1 min read

Case Study: Lyft Optimizes its Business with Unique Anomaly Detection

Explore how this ride-share leader uses Anodot to identify business risks in real time.
Documents 2 min read

Case Study: Mobile Gaming Giant Faced Costly Delays For Addressing Cross Promotion Glitches

Find out how Anodot’s business incident detection system automatically alerts the mobile gaming company to any changes in their business data streams.
Documents 1 min read

EBOOK: Find and fix business incidents in real-time with AI-powered analytics

Explore how this ride-share leader uses Anodot to identify business risks in real time
Documents 1 min read

EBOOK: Solving Data Quality in Real Time with AI Analytics and Anomaly Detection

Immediately address data quality problems and save weeks of dealing with inaccurately reported data. AI Analytics and Anomaly Detection puts renewed trust in the quality of the data that directly impacts business priorities.
Documents 1 min read

ANALYST REPORT: No more Silos - How DataOps Technologies Overcome Enterprise Data Isolationism

This new report from Blue Hill Research takes a closer look at how enterprises deploy DataOps models to establish the free flow of data within their organization. It includes real-world case studies which demonstrate how organizations in various industries from retail and ecommerce to education are leveraging new technologies to break down silos.