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Blog Post 7 min read

Unveiling Azure's Hidden Costs: What You Need to Know

So, you're new to the cloud or just starting off with Azure. You're probably starting your first project and using the Azure Calculator to help estimate your monthly run rate. The problem is that Azure, like all clouds, has hidden costs. So why does the cloud have hidden costs? Well, while we call them hidden costs, it’s really more a matter of unexpected costs or unknown costs. Basically, apart from the main “expected” costs, we also have additional charges that newbies will often be surprised by. These could be charges for extra usage beyond a certain included threshold, costs associated with resources that are mandatorily created as part of a deployment, and additional charges for services such as a disk added to a VM or things like backups and monitoring that were not factored into the original estimate. So I’m going to try to list some of the top hidden (unexpected) costs that you should factor into your run rates. Data Transfer For Outbound traffic or in its official Azure name “Bandwidth”, like most clouds, you pay for both outbound traffic and inter-region traffic. Now this does make sense as if you think about it you're not paying for an ISP, so rather than paying for an ISP or Bandwidth speed you're simply charged for actual usage based on outbound traffic. → Outbound traffic = traffic that leaves the data center for the public internet. → Inter-region traffic = traffic that is leaving the data center to a data center in a second region. Azure allocates each tenant a quota of 100GB a month of outbound internet traffic for no charge. Once you pass that 100GB Mark you are charged $0.087 per GB for the first 10TB and from there the prices continue to drop.   Now here is where things get interesting. While many people are aware of this traffic charge they are not aware of additional traffic charges. These include: Inter Zone traffic. So while a zone is technically in the same region, if you deploy a zone redundant configuration you are charged for traffic that flows between these zones.   Peering traffic, now this is an annoying one. You create two virtual networks (VNets) in the exact same region and in the exact same zone. Now let's say for instance that in each virtual network, you had a VM with a public IP, any communication between these two would be free as it is within the region. However, if you peer the networks together there is a charge for all traffic over the peer. This is charged at $0.01 per GB in both directions. If the peering is between two Virtual Networks in different regions, known as Global VNet Peering, then that charge will increase to between $0.035 to $0.09 depending on the zone. This is hidden in the Azure calculator under Virtual Network   Finally, we have private links. Private links are a way of assigning a private IP and encapsulating a PaaS service within a VNet. Now while the private link has a fixed price of around $7 to $8 per month you are also charged for all traffic over that private link and this is priced at $0.01 per GB  and will drop if you exceed 1PB per month. So this now means that all traffic let's say between a VM and a managed DB will now be charged! So to summarise based on your network architecture including the use of regions, zones, peerings & private links you could find yourself paying a lot of money for data transfer. This can be a large unexpected charge that could cost you thousands more per month than your initial estimate if not factored in correctly.  Azure Backups   Azure Backup for VMs has a fairly simple pricing model. You pay once for the backup service itself and then you pay for the storage consumed by the backup itself. However there is a catch, the price of backing up a VM (not including the storage) is $5 for a VM under 50GB and $10 for up to 500GB. So what happens if the VM is more than 500GB? That's right, you guessed it you pay an additional $10 for each 500GB increment. So if you have a VM with let's say 2.2TB you are going to pay each month $50 to back it up and that's not including consumed storage.  When you realize that that works out at $600 a year it’s an expensive solution.   Azure Storage   So you want to store large amounts of data in Azure (blob) storage. Makes sense that's what it’s there for. So you of course choose the required tier, could be Hot, Cool, Archive… and maybe set up a lifecycle policy to automatically cycle tiers based on usage.  Now you may think that the cost is just for stored data, WRONG! There are many costs associated with Azure storage beyond the actual stored data costs.  You will be charged for all operations performed on the storage account such as read, write, delete etc.  The cost of these operations changes based on the storage tier. So while using the hot tier has the highest data stored costs it also has lower costs for operations, while the cool tier has higher costs for operations.  This is also the reason why you should never store data under the cool tier that is being frequently accessed as your access and operation charges will run higher than if you were on the hot tier.  You should also be careful of the data retrieval charge when accessing data from Cool, cold and archive tiers as this ranges from $0.01 to $0.03 per GB. Oh and you want to enable SFTP in your storage account? Well that's another $220 per month.  Log Analytics   Log Analytics is as its name suggests a place to store and analyze your logs. Now Azure offers you 45 days of built in metrics for all services but if you want a longer retention period then you need to send those metrics to Log analytics. Also when setting up AKS (Kubernetes) there is a check box to enable container logs and this will also be sent to log analytics. Now I’m sure you know where I’m getting with this? Log Analytics costs $2.30 a month per GB. So when container logs, or any other log for that matter, start pouring in you can easily find yourself with thousands of dollars a month in charges for the service.   Wastage   While not really a hidden cost waste is still one of the biggest issues with cloud bills. From oversized VMs, or any other resource that can be downsized to save money to resources that can just be deleted, especially leftover disks after a VM is deleted to underutilized reservations. That's right, you purchased a 1-year reservation to save money on your VM, and then when that VM got deleted you're still paying for the reservation, so now rather than save you money you're actually paying for a reservation that isn’t even in use.  So always take care, to clean up your environment, the use of infrastructure as code tools such as Terraform is also always a good idea, and keep a lookout for those hidden costs. I hope this blog article will help you. Want a proof of concept? Talk to us to learn how much you can save with Anodot’s tools.
Blog Post 7 min read

To Commit or Not to Commit: Making Sense of Cloud Savings Options

So we all have commitment issues. Let's face it, “commitment” is probably one of the most scary words in the English lexicon. Jokes aside, what does it actually mean when we talk about cloud commitments? What Are Cloud Commitments and How Do They Work?   Well, basically it’s a model where you can commit to the cloud vendor either for a particular resource or an amount of spend. The commitment will usually be for a term of 1 or 3 years and based on both the size of the commitment and term, you will receive a discount. These discounts usually vary from around 30%-70%. Now just to be clear, this is not a negotiated contract discount. While there are such things between large cloud consumers and vendors, what we are discussing here are predefined (by the vendors) commitments that are public knowledge. All discounts are published on the cloud vendors website and available to be purchased on demand via the cloud vendors portal. So as mentioned, there are generally two main types of commitment: Resource-based Spend based Resource based   Resource based, also commonly referred to as a reservation or reserved instance (RI) is a commitment that is based on a certain resource type such as a certain SKU of a VM or managed DB, X amount of managed cores or any other number of resource types that varies based on the Cloud Vendor.  You are basically committing to a certain type of resource in a certain region. The commitment will be for 1 or 3 years, depending on your preferences, with the 3 year commitment offering you a higher discount. In Azure this offering is referred to as an Azure Reservation. In GCP Resource-based committed use discounts. And in AWS as Standard or Convertible reserved instances. Azure allows purchasing of reservations for the following resource types: VM, Blob, Files, Cosmos DB, Data Factory, SQL Database, Synapse Analytics, Databrick, App Service stamp Fee, Database for MySQL, Database for PostgreSQL, Database for Maria DB, Data Explorer, Cache for Redis, Dedicate Host, Disk Storage, Backup Storage, OR Software Plans (SUSE Linux, RedHat, RedHat OpenShift).¹ GCP allows purchasing of reservations for the following resource types: Compute Engine, Software Licenses (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, SLES for SAP, RHEL for Linux and RHEL for SAP images), OR GPUs and local SSDs with Capacity Reservation. AWS supports the purchasing of reservations for the following resource types: EC2, RDS, ElasticCache, OpenSearch, Redshift, and DynamoDB. Or in the case of convertible reserved instances just for EC2.   [CTA id="dcd803e2-efe9-4b57-92d5-1fca2e47b892"][/CTA] Differences between cloud reservations   So now you're asking yourselves are there any differences between the different clouds other than cost? The answer is a firm YES. AWS as you noticed has two models   Standard reserved instances are non-refundable or exchangeable but can be sold via the AWS marketplace to other users. Convertible Reserved Instances are exchangeable and can be exchanged for another convertible reserved instance. Based on this the convertible reserved instance discount is lower and it is also only available for EC2 instances.  AWS also offers a full upfront payment option, partial upfront or no upfront with the discount being slightly larger for upfront payments. Azure offers up to $50,000 a year of refunds, allowing you to refund any remaining commitment up to the $50,000 mark a year. Aure also offers an exchange, allowing you to exchange an existing reservation for a new reservation and this exchange will not count against your refund limit. Just so long as the new reservation costs more, even by a single dollar, than the previous remaining reservation. Azure also offers both upfront or no upfront purchasing options however with no difference in discount. GCP does not allow for any cancellations or refunds. GCP billing is all monthly with no upfront charges.   Things to look out for   Once a commitment covers a service, on-demand pricing no longer takes effect. So, shutting down an instance will not pause charges as you have already prepaid for the resource via the commitment plan. Spend Based   Spend based also commonly referred to as Saving plans (AWS & Azure) is a commitment plan based on actual spend.  You basically commit to a certain level of monthly spend in $ for a term of 1 or 3 years and receive a flat discount on all of your spend. However the spend commit is scoped to certain resource types and is not for your entire cloud spend and unlike reservations there is no commitment to a certain region. There is also no commitment to a certain cloud service/resource type, with the exception of the AWS EC2 instance savings plan that is scoped to just certain EC2 instances and is also limited to a single region. In Azure this offering is referred to as Azure Savings plan for Compute In GCP this offering is referred to as GCP Spend-Based Committed Use Discounts In AWS as EC2 Instance savings plan or AWS Compute Savings Plan. Azure Savings plan covers VM (with exceptions), App Service (with exceptions), Functions, Container Instances, OR Dedicated Host GCP Spend based Commit covers: Cloud Bigtable, Cloud Run, Cloud Spanner, Cloud SQL, Compute Engine, Cloud VMware Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Memorystore for Redis OR Memorystore for Memcached AWS Compute Saving plan covers: Compute (EC2, Lambda, Fargate) Or EC2 instance savings plan that covers only EC2 (with a slightly higher discount than compute savings plan) Differences between cloud Spend Commits   Well unlike reservations here there are much less differences. None of the Cloud Vendors allow refunding of the commitment. With the slight exception of AWS allowing a cancellation within 7 days of purchase as long as the commitment is below $100 an hour ($73,000 a month). Things to look out for Another gotcha is that the spend is calculated on an hourly basis. So you can't just go ahead and look at your entire monthly spend on eligible services as you might have peak and low points based on scaling and other load requirements, so you are going to want to commit to your low points. In other words, you are committing to an hourly level of spend and not a monthly or yearly amount. You will also need to take into account that you need to commit to the spend after discount and not the spend pre-commit, so you need to work out your exact hourly spend, how much discount you will receive, and then commit based on that number. Using Anodot’s advanced Saving Plan Simulator can help you analyze your exact usage and recommend the best savings plan configuration for your environment, allowing you to apply an aggressive savings plan without over-committing. Conclusion   So we’ve covered the basics of the three major hyperscale cloud providers' commit plans. We’ve seen that there are two main models:  Resource commit - Scoped to a specific resource type in a specific region. Spend commit - Scoped to an array of compute services with no region limits. So while committing to a certain resource type will provide a higher discount, using a spend commit will offer you a bit more flexibility and less management overhead. One last thing, if you have both types of commitments in place then the resource-based commit will apply first then the spend commit on any left over uncovered resources. And this is usually the best practice for maximum savings. Cover what you can with a resource reservation then cover 70-80% of the rest with a savings plan. We always leave 20%-30% without commitment to allow for maximum flexibility. And always, and I mean always check out the latest information published by the Vendor. Prices and terms are being updated constantly so keep an eye out for changes and updates. Want a proof of concept? Talk to us to learn how much you can save with Anodot’s tools.
Blog Post 3 min read

Anodot vs. Cast AI: Which FinOps Platform Delivers All-Inclusive Value?

There’s no doubt about Kubernetes’ importance for success in the cloud. It offers a cost-efficient, scalable, and automated platform for managing containerized applications while simplifying operations. Cast AI is a well-established platform specializing in Kubernetes optimization, including workload rightsizing and cluster autoscaling. But is that enough for MSPs and enterprises prioritizing cloud costs? And is it worth sacrificing the benefits of a more comprehensive AI-powered FinOps platform? Let’s take a closer look at how Cast AI stacks up against us (Anodot).   Company Profiles     We’re a cloud financial management provider delivering advanced FinOps solutions since 2014 to drive cloud cost savings and operational efficiency. With deep roots in AI and business analytics, our platform helps FinOps teams tackle cloud waste and manage costs in multi-cloud and Kubernetes environments. Our nearly 75 actionable recommendations, including automated waste detection and advanced forecasting, help teams cut up to 40% of their annual cloud spend while improving visibility and control across AWS, GCP, and Azure. Recognized as a Visionary in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™, we’re leading the way in comprehensive FinOps innovation. Why We’re the Top Choice for MSPs and Enterprises   Anodot optimizes cloud financial management across the three leading public cloud providers, AWS, GCP, and Azure, and full complete visibility into their customers’ cloud environments, enabling enhanced customer experience and scalable business growth. With our capabilities, you can enhance your customer's experience and your own while working in the cloud. Quick breakdown of our features: Multi-Cloud and SaaS Coverage: Supports AWS, Azure, GCP, and SaaS tools for diverse environments. Actionable Recommendations: Offers 75+ savings recommendations to optimize costs and track progress. Advanced AI Features: Includes real-time anomaly detection, 95% accurate forecasting, and CostGPT insights. MSP-Specific Capabilities: Certified FinOps platform with rebilling support and Slack, JIRA, and ServiceNow integrations.   [gallery size="full" ids="16858,16859,16860" orderby="rand"]   This is just a glimpse of what we bring to the table. Let’s chat if you’d like to know more!   Cast AI is a cloud-native platform specializing in Kubernetes cost optimization and management. It provides tools like cluster autoscaling, workload rightsizing, and price arbitrage to help organizations cut costs and improve Kubernetes efficiency. Why MSPs and Enterprises Need More Than Kubernetes Automation While Cast AI provides valuable tools, its focus is almost entirely on Kubernetes, limiting its capabilities to containerized environments. To be a top-tier MSP or a cloud-savvy enterprise, you need more—multi-cloud support, advanced AI/ML capabilities, and a platform that delivers complete visibility and actionable insights for cloud cost management. Anodot vs. Cast AI: Which Platform Delivers Kubernetes Optimization and FinOps Success?   Kubernetes is essential for cloud cost savings, but unless it’s the sole focus of an enterprise or MSP, Cast AI falls short in delivering the broader insights needed to make a meaningful impact on overall cloud costs. Anodot is a flexible, intelligent cost management solution with Kubernetes optimization within a truly comprehensive FinOps platform. Backed by Gartner recognition and AWS Partner awards, we’ve got the credibility and tools to help you achieve real savings. See it in action! Need a takeaway from this analysis? Get it here.  
Case Studies 5 min read

Tipalti Cuts Cloud Costs by $1 Million in Under 6 Months with Anodot

With Anodot's partnership,'s vision for FinOps innovation has become a reality.
Blog Post 12 min read

Amazon Bedrock vs OpenAI: Guide to Your Best Generative AI Platform

Amazon has heard FinOps practitioners' cries asking for new AI tools, and the answer is Titan and AWS Bedrock.  These new tools provide the same generative AI abilities of generating images like expected from DALL-E, operating like a Large Language Model (LLM) like ChatGPT, and even transcribing audio to text.  But how do these new tools compare to pre-existing ones like Azure's OpenAI? Most importantly, which of these tools is the best financial investment for your organization?  Take it from the cloud experts. Here's your complete guide to AWS Bedrock vs Azure OpenAI so you know the strengths and weaknesses of each tool.  What is AWS Bedrock?   [caption id="attachment_16658" align="aligncenter" width="540"] Source: Amazon[/caption] First, let’s define some terms.  AWS Bedrock is one of the newer AI tools on the block. Bedrock is a fully managed severless offering. Developers can use third-party provider foundation models (FMs) through Amazon's API and personalize accordingly, building out the custom tool of their dreams.  Supported foundation models in Amazon Bedrock:   What is Azure OpenAI? Azure OpenAI is Azure's solution to keep up with the booming AI market. This partnership between Microsoft and OpenAI means Azure users can use their Azure cloud account to access OpenAI with either an API, a web-based interface, or Python SDK. Azure OpenAI offers slightly different features than OpenAI, including private networking, better security, and co-developed APIs.   Model Family Functionality Max Requests Embeddings (Ada, Text Embedding 3 (Small, Large)) Identifying anomalies, classifying tasks, clustering data, generating recommendations, and conducting searches. 2k-8k tokens DALL-E (2 and 3) Create, modify, or refresh images based on text. 1k-4k characters GPT-3.5 Turbo Sophisticated reasoning and conversation, comprehension and generation of code, and conventional completion tasks. 4k and 16k tokens GPT-4 Advanced reasoning and dialogue, intricate problem-solving, code comprehension and generation, and standard completion tasks. 8k and 32k tokens GPT-4o GPT-4 Turbo with Vision capabilities. Improved responses. 128k tokens Whisper Convert audio to text. 25 MB audio size Azure OpenAI vs AWS Bedrock   So,  now that you now what Azure OpenAI and AWS Bedrock are now – let’s take a look at the real question: which is better?  Obvious differences like OpenAI (besides being a much bigger name), the biggest gaps between the two, are:  Services offered Accessible models Pricing That said, as of 2024, many brands have endorsed GPT-4o as the leader in terms of quality. But that doesn’t mean it's the clear winner. It all depends on the company and what it is trying to accomplish.  AWS Bedrock vs Azure OpenAI: Services   When we take a look at services, we want to keep in mind four things:  Ease of use: How easy is it for customers to accomplish what they're trying to do? Help documents: How does a customer get help if they have questions? Ability to create: What kind of content can you create? How easy is it to create useful content? Security: Will that data be kept safe? Customers need to give a lot of proprietary data to AI tools. Ease of use Bedrock makes things as simple as possible for users. It’s accessible via API or SDK, and also has plenty of no-code playgrounds, providing a very low barrier to entry. Bedrock is a fully managed service, which means you can count on Amazon to handle the technical details. You'll have more time to focus on fine-tuning and working on Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques.  OpenAI is also accessible via SDK and API and offers similar no-code playgrounds to Bedrock. However, since OpenAI is not a managed service, users must be a bit more hands-on.  Help documents Customers flourish in cloud environments where they can easily find the tools they need and access help forums or customer support if they get stuck. A good tool should provide ample documentation to pre-empt questions and a community for users to turn to their peers if they get confused. Customer support lines are a must-have, too, of course!  AWS Bedrock has a growing community and backlog of help documents. It's a pretty new service, so this makes sense, but there's still room for growth.  OpenAI is similar to AWS Bedrock in terms of community and help documents. Since it is an older service, there are more places to ask for assistance, but its still not as robust as our cloud professionals would like.  Ability to create OpenAI provides natural language processing, copy, and code generation, and can also help make other creative assets like images by using its DALL-E integration. It's for copy, chat, and code features, are very similar toGPT-3 and GPT-4 Bedrock, on the other hand, is capable of creating the same but at a larger scale. You can access DALL-E 2 and other models for image creation. For text and code generation and chat,  users can use Jurassic-1, Jumbo, and Bloom.  Security Bedrock prides itself on user data protection. Data is maintained by a service-team escrowed accounts.  Customers have access to tools like Amazon DataZone, a cloud platform management tool that allows managing data across AWS. There’s also Guardrails, a safeguard solution that will redact or block personally identifiable information (PII) and prevent it from being shared with others.  OpenAI, is not quite as robust with its data security offerings. User data is kept secure, but it’s worth looking into 30-day storage policies for those who are especially private. What do we mean by that? Any data you provide to Azure OpenAI is stored for up to 30 days to detect and prevent behavior that violates its code of conduct. If pre-approved or elected to turn off abuse monitoring, exemption from this policy applies.   [CTA id="dcd803e2-efe9-4b57-92d5-1fca2e47b892"][/CTA] AWS Bedrock vs Azure OpenAI: Models   Keep in mind model offerings for tools when picking which is the best for the organization. Make sure to note the following: Supported languages  Supported regions  Max tokens  Training data  Supported languages Bedrock's language varies from model to model. Jurassic supports seven languages. Most other models typically only support English. OpenAI has better language support by far. Speech-to-text has support for over 100 languages, from Spanish to French, to German.  Supported regions Bedrock's supported regions fall short of OpenAI. Here are the regions to access Bedrock: Asia Pacific (Singapore, Tokyo)  Europe  US West  US East  The regions that access OpenAI vary by model, but in general users can access OpenAI as a whole if they're based in:  Australia East  Canada East  France Central  Japan East  Norway East  South India  Sweden Central  Switzerland North  UK South  West Europe  US Max tokens AWS Bedrock's max token number ranges depending on the model type and category. Take LLMs, for instance. Bedrock's models start with 4k to 8k and can increase to as high as 128k tokens, which amounts to about 300 pages of information. This number isn't anything to write home about though – Claude models can go up to 200k tokens, or provide 500 pages of information.  Whereas OpenAI is limited to 4,096 tokens, which is much smaller in comparison.  Training data  All of OpenAI's models were trained until September 2021 except for GPT-4 Turbo, which was trained until April 2023.  Bedrock's Claude model was trained until December 2022, and Jurassic about mid-2022.  AWS Bedrock vs Azure OpenAI: Pricing   The ideal pricing plan should offer more flexibility for those willing to accept higher prices and better rates for those ready to commit. Companies should be offered multiple plans designed to meet their needs depending on where they are in their AI adaptation process. Overall, Bedrock wins out when it comes to pricing. OpenAI costs a bit more, and it also has far less flexible plans.  But we’re getting ahead of ourselves – take a look at the payment plan breakdowns for AWS Bedrock and OpenAI below.  Amazon Bedrock pricing Bedrock pricing rises and falls depending:  Model interference  Customization  Region  Not all models can be customized and only certain models can be purchased with specific plans.  There are two plans to pick from: On-Demand or Provisioned Throughput. On-Demand On-demand is a high-cost, high-flexibility payment plan option. You pay for each usage, with your charges varying depending on your model of choice.  For example, an image generation model charges for each image you produce, whereas a text generation model charges for each input token processed and each output token created.  Here are some of the most common models and the cost per 1000 input and output tokens to give an idea of the numbers you'll be dealing with: Model Price per 1000 Input Tokens Price per 1000 Output Tokens Claude 3.5 Sonnet $0 $0 Claude 3 Opus $0 $0 Command R+ $0 $0 Command $0 $0 Embed – English $0.00 N/A Embed – Multilingual $0.00 N/A Jamba-Instruct $0.00 $0.00 Jurassic-2 Ultra $0.02 $0.02 Llama 3 70B $0.00 $0.00 Llama 3 8B $0.00 $0.00 Llama 2 70B $0.00 $0.00 Mistral Small $0.00 $0.00 Mistral Large $0.00 $0.01 Titan Text Embeddings $0.00 N/A   In comparison, here’s how much it’ll cost you to work with image generation models:  Model Image resolution Cost Per Image - Standard Quality (<51 steps) Cost Per Image - Premium Quality (>51 steps) SDXL 0.8 (Stable Diffusion) 512X512 or smaller $0 $0.04 Larger than 512X512 $0 $0 SDXL 1.0 (Stable Diffusion) 1024X1024 or smaller $0 $0 Titan Image Generator (Standard) 512X512 $0 $0 1024X1024 $0 $0 Titan Image Generator (Custom Models) 512X512 $0.02 $0.02 1024X1024 $0 $0   Provisioned Throughput Provisioned throughput requires commitment to multiple model units. You'll need to know what kind of content you're going to generate. You'll be charged on an hourly basis. Prepare to commit to either a one- or six-month contract. If you're ready to sign up for a much larger workload, this will get you a lower cost. Here's a list of the models you'll typically be dealing with and the associated costs:  Model Price per Hour per Model Unit With No Commitment (Max One Custom Model Unit Inference) Price per Hour per Model Unit With a One Month Commitment (Includes Inference) Price per Hour per Model Unit With a Six Month Commitment (Includes Inference) Claude 2.0/2.1 $70 $63 $35.00 Command $50 $40 $24 Embed - English $7 $7 $6 Embed - Multilingual $7 $7 $6 Llama 2 Pre-Trained and Chat (13B) N/A $21 $13 Llama 2 Pre-Trained (70B) N/A $21.18 $13.08 SDXL1.0 (Stable Diffusion) N/A $50 $46 Titan Embeddings N/A $6.40 $5.10 Titan Image Generator (Standard) N/A $16.20 $13.00 Titan Multimodal Embeddings $9.38 $8.45 $6.75 Titan Text Lite $7.10 $6.40 $5.10 OpenAI pricing OpenAI has only one pricing open: pay-as-you-go. There is ease in simplicity, but this also means no access to those lower prices by committing to more long-term usage. To customize models, extra costs apply. Prices vary depending on the region. Pay-as-you-go pricing OpenAI's pay-as-you-go pricing varies depending on the model. Payment is per prompt token and completion token for text generation, per token for embeddings, and per 100 images generated for image models. Here’s a preview of what OpenAI’s pricing looks like per model:  Model Price for 1000 Input Tokens Price for 1000 Output Tokens Ada $0 N/A Text Embedding 3 Large $0 N/A Text Embedding 3 Small $0 N/A Babbage-002 (GPT Base) $0 $0 Davinci-002 (GPT Base) $0 $0 GPT-3.5 Turbo $0.00 $0.00 GPT-4 $0 $0 GPT-4 Turbo $0.01 $0.03 GPT-4o $0.01 $0.02 GPT-3.5 Turbo $0.00 $0.00 GPT-4 $0.03 $0.06 GPT-4 Turbo $0.01 $0.03 GPT-4o $0.01 $0.02   Here’s the cost for image for the most common image generation models: Models Resolution Price (per 100 Images) Dall-E-3 1024X1024 $4 Dall-E-3 1024X1024 $8 Dall-E-2 1024X1024 $2   AWS Bedrock vs OpenAI: Summary   Here’s a table that breaks down each feature and how AWS Bedrock and OpenAI compare:  Feature AWS Bedrock Rating Azure OpenAI Rating Winner Ease of use API & SDK access 7/10 API & SDK access 6/10 Bedrock Help documents Some community & documents 7/10 Some community & documents 6/10 Bedrock Ability to create Access to wide range of creative models 8/10 More limited access to creative models 6/10 Bedrock Security High security 8/10 Medium security 6/10 Bedrock Supported languages Varies. Jurassic supports 7 languages 5/10 OpenAI supports 100+ languages 7/10 OpenAI Supported regions Asia Pacific, Europe, US West & East 5/10 Varies by model but widely available 8/10 OpenAI Max tokens <=200k tokens 6/10 4,096 tokens 4/10 Bedrock Training data Latest trained until 12/2022 7/10 Latest trained until 4/2023 8/10 OpenAI Pricing On-demand and Provisioned Throughput 9/10 Pay-as-you-go 4/10 Bedrock   Overall, AWS Bedrock wins, though it depends on what you're is trying to accomplish. Azure OpenAI offers support for more languages and more regions, and its models have been updated most recently.  But Bedrock can't be beaten for its pricing plans, tokens, and wide range of models to pick from though.  Our final verdict: For a flexible, robust tool that works with all kinds of machine learning (ML) frameworks, choose AWS Bedrock. For enterprises looking to connect an AI tool to other Azure services, Azure OpenAI is likely the best option. [CTA id="82139892-d185-43ce-88b9-adc780676f66"][/CTA] Get 100% visibility into your new cloud AI tools   If you’re worried about keeping your data secure while you open up a new Bedrock or OpenAI account – or, worse, you’re unsure how you’ll manage your budget with these new additions, we have just the solution for you. We have some experience managing budgets during OpenAI to Bedrock migrations, so know you’ll be in expert hands.  The good news is that it’s not necessary to commit to AWS Bedrock’s full cost… not with the right tools. Cloud prices don’t need to be a surprise with the right cloud cost management tool. Getting 100% visibility into your cloud spending can help enterprises and MSPs reduce costs. Tools like Anodot capture minute data changes down to the hour for up to a two-year period for an entire multi-cloud environment. With a dashboard that shows all of the cloud spending in one place, with AI-powered recommendations and forecasting. That’s Anodot.  And it gets better. Anodot has been demystifying cloud costs since day one. We’ve made it our mission to address poor cloud spend visibility, and by partnering with Automat-it, we’ve created the perfect aid to identify hidden prices, and poor cost monitoring and reporting: CostGPT. This new tool uses AI to address your cloud price fluctuations and can help you save up to 30% on spend.  Want a proof of concept? Talk to us to learn how much you can save with Anodot’s tools.  
Blog Post 6 min read

Anodot Wins Rising Star Technology Partner Award in the 2024 EMEA AWS Partner Awards

Imagine standing on stage at AWS re:Invent, surrounded by the industry’s best, as Anodot is named the 2024 Rising Star Technology Partner. It’s a proud moment for our team and a testament to the innovation driving our platform. [caption id="attachment_16811" align="aligncenter" width="548"] CEO David Drai celebrating the win with the Anodot team at AWS Partner Awards[/caption] Our team already had an incredible week at the event, highlighted by: Hosting an exclusive dinner at Toca Madera, reconnecting with colleagues over delicious Mexican food and drinks. Connecting with many partners, prospects, and clients who share our passion for innovation in cloud cost management. Participating in the FinOps panel discussion led by Senior Technical Account Manager at AWS, Judith Lehner, where ideas were shared about the current state of cloud FinOps. These highlights alone made it an unforgettable week, but imagine our excitement when our CEO, David Drai, and Cloud Alliance Manager, Moran Onger Ben-Baruch, were called onstage to accept the AWS Rising Star Partner Award! This recognition from AWS is a proud moment for the entire Anodot team. Using AI and ML, we’re transforming cloud financial management (CFM) with automated tools like savings recommendations, cost allocation, and complete cloud cost visibility. These solutions enable MSPs and enterprises to innovate, thrive, and maximize the value of the AWS ecosystem. But how did our CEO and Cloud Alliance Manager find themselves onstage, applauded by FinOps leaders for Anodot’s game-changing approach to cloud financial management? This is how our platform's innovation in optimizing multi-cloud environments with AI-powered solutions earned us an award for providing AWS customers with a new level of efficiency and insight in cloud cost management. Anodot Refresher: Who We Are and How We Got Here   Founded in 2014, we successfully built a powerful BI platform empowering anomaly detection for hundreds of prominent customers.  Fast forward to 2022, we introduced an integrated cloud cost management solution packed with enterprise-grade features, allowing  MSPs and businesses to take control of their cloud spend. And now, in 2024, we’re celebrating a major milestone as recipients of the AWS Partner Awards. From client-specific rebilling to 100% cloud cost visibility and showback/chargeback features, we deliver unmatched precision in AWS cloud cost management. Strategic partnerships have played a vital role in our journey, extending our capabilities and bringing added value to our customers. Key partnerships include: UBTECH and Anodot: Together, we enhance UBTECH's client-partner model with financial visibility and cost optimization for Azure clients. Anodot and YäRKEN: Through this strategic partnership, we offer seamless management of on-premises and private cloud costs via a unified platform. Anodot and Greenpixie: By integrating Greenpixie’s ISO-verified cloud emissions measurement, our platform now delivers insights into both cloud costs and carbon emissions, all in one place. Today, we’re setting the standard for AI-driven automation in cloud cost optimization. Our mission is to push boundaries, innovate relentlessly, and ensure enterprises and MSPs achieve unparalleled efficiency, scalability, and savings with cloud investments. The 2024 EMEA AWS Partner Awards and Rising Star Technology Partner Category   The 2024 EMEA AWS Partner Awards celebrate the achievements of AWS Partners across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA). These awards recognize exceptional performance, innovation, and dedication to helping customers succeed with AWS technologies. Spanning a region with diverse industries and unique cloud adoption challenges, the awards highlight partners excelling in technology, consulting, and customer solutions. They showcase contributions to the AWS ecosystem and the advancement of cloud technology adoption across a wide array of markets and use cases. Winners are selected through a rigorous evaluation process conducted by Canalys, an independent analyst firm. This process leverages data-driven metrics from the past year to assess partner performance and impact. Being named a Rising Star Technology Partner reflects our growing influence in the EMEA region, where we help MSPs and enterprises optimize cloud costs, enhance spending management, and achieve greater operational efficiency within the AWS ecosystem. The AWS Award Adds to Anodot’s 2024 Accolades and Success   [caption id="attachment_16810" align="aligncenter" width="333"] The 2024 AWS Rising Star Partner of the Year (Technology) trophy awarded to Anodot[/caption] This recognition adds to a year of milestones for Anodot, underscoring our platform's innovation and impact on driving success for some of the world’s leading enterprises and cloud solution providers. Named Visionary in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for CFM Tools   Gartner recognized Anodot for its advanced capabilities in cloud cost management, tailored specifically for MSPs and enterprises. The report highlighted our strengths in precise, real-time cost control, client-specific rebilling, and actionable insights across complex, multi-cloud environments. We’re especially proud of innovative features like Cost Incident Detection and Showback/Chargeback, which are helping MSPs and enterprises save both now and in the future. See how Gartner recognizes Anodot’s leadership in cloud cost management. Chosen by to Boost FinOps Efficiency, renowned for its premier work management platform, relies heavily on AWS to power its global operations with high scalability. By partnering with Anodot, transitioned from manual FinOps processes to a fully automated solution, leveraging our automated recommendations to optimize cloud cost management. "After more than two years with Anodot, their ability to quickly adapt and consistently implement innovative features like automated recommendations has been a game-changer for us. This long-term partnership continues to be exactly what we were looking for." — Yariv Shoshany, TechOps Team Lead at Discover how Anodot helped transform their FinOps strategy. What’s Next for Anodot   Being recognized as an AWS Partner is an honor, and we’re proud that our technology continues to deliver precise and impactful results in cloud cost optimization. As we look ahead to 2025, our focus remains on innovating FinOps practices, automating processes, and reducing manual workloads to help our customers thrive in the cloud. "Receiving the 2024 AWS Rising Star Partner Award in Technology underscores the growing importance of FinOps and advanced cost management tools in today's cloud landscape." — David Drai, CEO of Anodot [caption id="attachment_16809" align="aligncenter" width="288"] Anodot's 2024 AWS Rising Star Partner of the Year (Technology) Award for Israel.[/caption] Learn more about our AWS win.
Blog Post 6 min read

AWS Bedrock Pricing: Your 2025 Guide to Amazon Bedrock Costs

The future is AI. That's a fact, and all the major cloud corporations are taking notice and investing in generative AI offerings to serve their customers better.  Microsoft Azure has invested in OpenAI's ChatGPT, Google has Vertex AI, and Amazon has created Bedrock.  But what exactly is AWS Bedrock? And, most importantly, how much will it cost? Will this generative AI be an easy investment, or will you have to break the budget to squeeze it in?  What is AWS Bedrock?   [caption id="attachment_16793" align="aligncenter" width="512"] Source: Amazon[/caption]   To get started, let’s define some basic terms. AWS Bedrock is a fully managed service designed for developers to create generative AI applications.  Since AWS Bedrock comes with foundation models sourced from other leading AI companies like Anthropic, Meta, and Cohere, developers don't have to worry about the learning process for your new generative AI application. Depending on your chosen foundation model, you can access different tools and infrastructure to build new models.  And no, you don't need to worry about data security. AWS Bedrock prides itself on its integrity and user privacy; all data is kept 100% secure 100% of the time.  How does Amazon Bedrock work?   AWS Bedrock works by supplying dev teams with a wide range of foundation models to create generative AI tools that can generate anything from images to code to copy and more.  All you need to do to get started is:  Pick the foundation model that best fits your need (ex: if you’re looking to build a custom model to train bank customer onboarding, you’ll probably want to go with an Anthropic model like Claude 3 Sonnet or Titan). Send an API request to ensure your data has been sent to the model Ensure the model has received your input. Wait for your model to generate your next blog copy, line of JavaScript, or branding image.  Yes, it’s that easy!  AWS Bedrock pricing   The harder part is AWS Bedrock pricing.  Like most cloud providers, AWS Bedrock offers two pricing models: on-demand, a pay-as-you-go structure, and provisioned throughput, a pricing structure where you pay for a one-month or six-month commitment for a set amount of services.  We'll go into more detail about these different structures below, but before we get into that, know that the following are all factors that might negatively influence your bill:  Foundation model provider: Different FMs charge different amounts for input/output tokens. For example, image FMs typically cost a bit more.  Input and output token usage: Every time you send a request into an FM, you’ll be charged an input token, and everytime you receive that output in the form of copy, an image, or a chatbot conversation, you’ll be charged an ouput token.  Model usage and customization: Model customization prices are based on the number of processed tokens and overall model storage.  [CTA id="dcd803e2-efe9-4b57-92d5-1fca2e47b892"][/CTA] On-demand  On-demand prices look the same as your typical pay-as-you-go plan: you’re paying more for the freedom to stop anytime. Your prices will vary depending on your model of choice and the content you're trying to generate.  The following typically costs more per token:  Text generation  Image generation  Embedding models With that said, here's a breakdown of how much you should expect to pay for common models and services based on 2024 U.S. prices: Model Price per 1000 Input Tokens Price per 1000 Output Tokens Claude 3.5 Sonnet $0 $0.02 Claude 2.0 $0 $0.02 Command R+ $0 $0.02 Embed – English $0 n/a Jamba-Instruct $0 $0.00 Jurassic-2 Ultra $0.02 $0.02 Llama 3 70B $0 $0.00 Mistral 7B $0.00 $0.00 Titan Text Lite $0.00 $0.00   Here’s how much you should expect to pay for image-generation AI assets:  Model Image resolution Cost Per Image - Standard Quality (<51 steps) Cost Per Image - Premium Quality (>51 steps) SDXL 0.8 (Stable Diffusion) 512X512 or smaller $0.02 $0.04 Larger than 512X512 $0.04 $0 SDXL 1.0 (Stable Diffusion) 1024X1024 or smaller $0.04 $0 Titan Image Generator (Standard) 512X512 $0.01 $0 1024X1024 $0.01 $0 Titan Image Generator (Custom Models) 512X512 $0.02 $0.02 1024X1024 $0.02 $0 Provisioned Throughput Buying via provisioned throughput is the best option if you can commit to a one—or six-month period.  There are options to buy certain model units and specific throughput amounts. These will be measured based on the maximum number of input/out tokens for each minute and charged on an hourly basis. This plan is best for those with consistent workloads and who can commit to longer periods of use.  Here’s roughly what your costs should look like:  Model Price per Hour per Model Unit With No Commitment (Max One Custom Model Unit Inference) Price per Hour per Model Unit With a One Month Commitment (Includes Inference) Price per Hour per Model Unit With a Six Month Commitment (Includes Inference) Claude 2.0/2.1 $70 $63.00 $35.00 Command $50 $39.60 $24 Command - Light $9 $6.85 $4 Embed - English $7 $6.76 $6 Embed - Multilingual $7 $6.76 $6 Llama 2 Pre-Trained and Chat (13B) N/A $21.18 $13.08 SDXL1.0 (Stable Diffusion) N/A $49.86 $46 Titan Embeddings N/A $6.40 $5.10 Titan Image Generator (Standard) N/A $16.20 $13.00 Model customization Model customization is one of the factors that influences you AWS Bedrock costs.  Your model customization cost is based on amount of model storage and number of processed tokens you use.  Pro tip: you can only get interference on multiple models if you use Provisioned Throughput.  Model Price to Train 1000 Tokens or Price per Image Seen Price for Storage per Custom Model per Month Price to Infer from a Custom Model for One Model Unit per Hour with No Commitment Command $0 $1.95 $49.50 Command Light $0 $1.95 $9 Llama 2 Pre-trained (13B) $0 $1.95 $24 Llama 2 Pre-trained (70B) $0 $1.95 $24 Titan Image Generator $0 $1.95 $23 Titan Multimodal Embeddings $0.00 $1.95 $9.38 Titan Text Lite $0 $1.95 $7 Titan Text Express $0.01 $1.95 $20.50 How to optimize AWS Bedrock pricing   The pricing for Amazon Bedrock might be the best option for developers compared to other choices on the market, such as AWS Bedrock; now the question is how it fits in the 2025 budget for cloud cost?  Cloud cost management tools like Anodot are designed optimize all of your cloud spend of MSPs and enterprises. We do this by giving you 100% visibility into your entire mulitcloud environment capturing spend down to the hour across all of your cloud platforms, with up to a two year retention period.  Other Anodot features include:  AI-powered cloud management, forecasting, and recommendations. Start saving with the click of a button. Customizable multicloud dashboards that capture your cloud spend across any and all cloud devices.  24/7 automated budget monitoring that alerts you when your cloud spend exceeds certain threshholds.  Easy integration with your other cloud services.  Since 2014, Anodot has worked with FinOps organizations, MSPs, and enterprises of all sizes and worldwide, demystifying cloud costs.  Want a proof of concept? Talk to us to learn how much you can save on cloud cost with Anodot’s tools.  
Blog Post 8 min read

Complete Guide to Azure IoT Hub: Pricing, Features & More

Azure IoT Hub enables you to monitor on-prem devices down to the smallest temperature change and react accordingly from cloud device commands. But how does it work? What other features does Azure IoT have? And, most importantly, how much does it cost? Learn all you need to know about Azure IoT Hub from our expert guide. In this article: What is Microsoft Azure IoT Hub? Who should use Azure IoT Hub? How much does Azure IoT Hub cost? How to get started with Azure IoT Hub How to save on your Microsoft Azure IoT Hub spend What is Microsoft Azure IoT Hub?   Before we define Microsoft Azure's IoT Hub, let's talk about IoT. IoT, or internet of all things, allows physical objects to connect to the web. This communication empowers you to look up "what is Azure IoT Hub", and explains the best answer. IoT exists in every corner of your life, be it in your fitness watch, smart thermostat, Alexa, or any other device that can receive and control data and connect to the internet. Azure IoT Hub, on the other hand, is one of the many Microsoft cloud services, like Azure Backup or Azure Machine Learning, that help companies store their data with AI-powered technology. It’s a service that lets organizations manage, monitor, and control their IoT devices securely. Examples of Azure IoT involve developers sending and receiving messages via IoT devices in real-time or a company pulling information from Azure SQL databases and turning that information into an informed strategy.   [caption id="attachment_16774" align="aligncenter" width="512"] Source: Microsoft[/caption] Azure IoT Hub features   The following are the three key features you can expect from Azure IoT Hub: Device-to-cloud telemetry Device-to-cloud telemetry means you can use your IoT devices to send telemetry data, such as machine performance or temperature readings, to the cloud for storage, analysis, or processing. Why is this data so useful? If you're analyzing a manufacturing plant, high temperatures cause extended downtime due to equipment failures. Telemetry can quickly capture this insight and send it to the cloud. Birdirectional communication This feature allows your cloud and IoT devices to send and receive messages. Your IoT device can funnel data into the cloud, and the cloud can respond in turn. Since this communication works both ways, you can also issue cloud-to-device commands and use Direct Methods, which issue cloud commands to an IoT device like resetting sensors or rebooting the device. This can be especially useful if you're a small team managing a large array of IoT devices. Why is this data so useful? Think real-time interactions between your devices and the cloud. If you need to make an immediate change—like fixing a problem with a cloud device—you can do so with the click of a button. Device Twins A Device Twin is a cloud copy of your IoT device that stores relevant information, such as metadata and the device's current state. This copy can be used to track and control IoT devices, ensuring they don't overheat, waste energy, and operate at maximum capacity. Why is this data so useful? Device twins make it easier to report on a device's state and control it, protecting you from variables like temperate. It also makes it possible for yout manage devices at scale by showing you all relevant device configurations and metadata in the cloud. Who should use Azure IoT Hub?   Azure IoT Hub is appealing to any organization that requires real-time communication and manages maintenance needs on the fly. In particular, Azure IoT Hub should appeal to: FinOps organizations FinOps organizations often run hundreds to thousands of Azure functions, quickly leading to overheating devices. As we’ve discussed before, overheating devices can result in a machine shutdown, and downtime can mean a severe loss of revenue. Azure IoT Hub can monitor operational temperatures so each device operates at its optimal threshold. Healthcare organizations Since Azure IoT is HIPAA compliant, you can communicate all forms of PHI (personal health information), allowing you to provide real-time patient monitoring and services. Healthcare organizations require the ability to communicate and securely store endless amounts of patient data. For health organizations, hospitals, and clinics, being able to react to changes to a patient’s condition in real-time means, at the least, a massive increase in patient comfort and quality of care—and at the most, it means you could be saving a life. Eco-friendly organizations Energy-efficient processes are useful for meeting budgets, but they're also vital for GreenOps and protecting the environment. Azure IoT Hub is ideal for environmentally conscious organizations because it allows you to track the energy usage of each device, making it easy to reduce its carbon footprint. Industrial automation organizations Azure IoT Hub is known for its real-time automation abilities, which are especially important for industrial automation companies. For this type of organization, it's vital to constantly monitor operations and maintenance to ensure worker safety and maximize profitability. The easiest way to have a continuous influx of data from on-site devices is to utilize Azure IoT Hub so that cloud devices can respond immediately should an anomaly arise. How much does Azure IoT Hub cost?   Good news—the Azure pricing model for IoT Hub is super flexible, with the lowest tier being free! If you're looking just to sample services, you can start with up to 8,000 0.5KB messages a day, though note the free tier doesn't support cloud-to-device communications. And if you’re missing out on cloud-to-device communications, you’re also missing out on advanced analytics on device performance, device authentication, and even AI or machine learning automation. Here’s a breakdown of many basic tier costs: Edition Type Price per IoT Hub unit (per month) Total number of messages/day per IoT Hub unit Message meter size B1 $10 400,000 4KB B2 $50 $6,000,000 4KB B3 $500 $300,000,000 4KB   Here’s how much standard tier costs: Edition Type Price per IoT Hub unit (per month) Total number of messages/day per IoT Hub unit Message meter size S1 $25 400,000 4KB S2 $250 $6,000,000 4KB S3 $2,500 $300,000,000 4KB *Please note that all these prices are pulled assuming the user is based in the East U.S. region.   Here’s how features differ from basic to standard tiers: Feature Basic Tier Standard Tier Device-to-cloud telemetry ✅ ✅ Per-device identity ✅ ✅ Message Routing, Event Grid Integration ✅ ✅ HTTP, AMQP, MQTT Protocols ✅ ✅ DPS Support ✅ ✅ Monitoring and diagnostics ✅ ✅ Device Streams ✅ Cloud-to-device messaging ✅ Device Management, Device Twin, Module Twin ✅ IoT Edge ✅   What about the costs for Azure IoT Hub device provisioning services? At the S1 tier, you’ll only pay $0.10 for every 1,000 operations. You'll also be paying $70 per tenant and $0.70 per device for every over-the-air update (OTA) you deploy to keep your IoT devices up to date. How to get started with Azure IoT Hub   Setting up an Azure IoT Hub account is very similar to setting up an Azure Storage or DevOps account—in other words, it's easy! You'll need a free account if you don't already have an Azure subscription. From there, perform the following: From the Azure portal, click on the IoT Hub section's "+ Create" button. Provide details about what kind of subscription you want, your resource group, IoT Hub name, and region. Select "Review + Create". Congrats! You've made your first IoT Hub. Register your devices with your new IoT Hub to connect them to your new IoT Hub. To do this, click on the "+ Add button" and name the device. Add an IoT Hub SDK to your device application to send a message from your device to your Azure IoT Hub. Test newly connected devices by sending messages to the Hub. [caption id="attachment_16776" align="aligncenter" width="361"] Source: Microsoft[/caption]   How to save on your Microsoft Azure IoT Hub spend Azure IoT Hub enables users to constantly monitor device changes and send real-time communications and commands to those devices from the cloud. The one place it falls short is cloud cost management. Azure does offer a cost management feature, but these tools provide a quarter as much detail as a third-party cloud cost management service. According to a 2023 study from Zesty, 63% of tech executives agree that cloud cost optimization is vital in maximizing cloud ROI. What is the best way to ensure that your Azure IoT Hub spend does its best possible work and meets your budget? Anodot. Anodot’s purpose is to give you 100% visibility into your cloud spend—and that means your entire cloud spend. You can pull up your whole multi-cloud environment and track data down to the hour for up to a two-year retention period. If you use Azure, Google, or AWS simultaneously, Anodot can give you all that data in one dashboard. Not only that, but you’ll get AI-powered budgeting and management recommendations. All that data is available to you at the click of a button that can help you save up to 40% on your annual cloud spend. Worrying about your Azure spend – your multicloud spend – can become a thing of the past. Why go with Anodot? We demystify cloud costs. Since 2014, we have made it our mission to ensure FinOps organizations have the proper data to save on cloud spend. Want a proof of concept? Talk to us to learn how much you can save with Anodot’s tools.
Blog Post 5 min read

Why MSPs need a Multi-Tenant Cost Management Tool

So you're an MSP supporting tens, hundreds or maybe even thousands of clients. Then there’s a good chance that you're offering services for more than one cloud vendor. You may even have clients who are Multi-Cloud (using more than one cloud vendor). The Billing Challenge: Managing Complex Invoices   Now the first question is, How do I handle all these clients and multicloud deployments and what exactly am I managing? So while every MSP is going to have its distinct offering for customers, ranging from on-demand professional services to fully outsourced management of an environment, nearly all MSPs are going to be cloud resellers, offering customers flexible plans to consume public cloud services and spend via the MSP. Also, most MSPs will offer their clients some form of Finops / Cost optimization service. Based on this, you're going to need a solution that can: Help you with billing & invoicing  Assist you with all Finops activities, including but not limited to Cost reduction, usage analyst, reporting & budgeting. Let's dive in a bit here. You're thinking to yourself, surely the Cloud vendors will provide me with a detailed bill that I can pass on to my clients. Wrong!  You will often be supplied with a massive invoice containing all of your clients' billing in bulk. This invoice needs processing and breaking down for each client. The invoice may also contain special discounts for certain clients, credits, and refunds. All of these also need to be carefully dealt with to ensure that customers receive all the benefits they are entitled to. [CTA id="dcd803e2-efe9-4b57-92d5-1fca2e47b892"][/CTA] Addressing Diverse Client Needs: Customization Is Key   Certain clients may also have specific requests. They may want an invoice split up into multiple invoices based on departments within their organizations, or in other words they want to perform internal chargebacks. So this is something else that you want to look out for. As an MSP, you may also be receiving certain incentives from the vendor that you are entitled to, which are usually meshed up within the invoice and may also require processing accordingly.  FinOps: Delivering Cost Optimization at Scale   From a cost optimization perspective, the list is never-ending and basically expanding every day. This is a major factor in your decision-making process. First, you need to define the extent of Finops and optimization service that you will be providing to your clients. Larger clients will most likely have their own Finops teams and be less reliant on the MSP for this function. They may want to consult or request insights, but they will handle the day-to-day internally. However, smaller and mid-size clients will be more dependent on the MSP for the handling of Finops. While these may be smaller environments, they still need addressing and each environment will have its own specific challenges. You're going to need to build out your methodology for supplying these customers with Finops and cost optimization services.  As this will most likely be  based on weekly, monthly, or quarterly review meetings, based on the client size, you are most likely going to want to focus on the following areas: Waste control and cleanup, rightsizing of resources & implementation of reservations (RI’s) and saving plans (SP’s). Focusing on these three main areas will usually supply a good level of cost reduction that you as an external vendor will be able to supply the client and present the savings achieved accordingly.  ​​What Is Multi-Tenant, and Why Do MSPs Need It?   But wait, there’s more. While many tools will offer this functionality in one form or another as an MSP, you will also need a Multi-Tenant tool. What exactly does this mean? Well, on the one hand, you will want a single pane of glass to view and manage all your clients. You're also going to want to be able to achieve this with a single login and not have to login separately to each client’s environment.  However, you’ll most likely also want your clients to be able to login to the tool, and in this case, they need to be limited to the scope of their own environments. This is the meaning of multi-tenant, allowing you a central management console to view all of your customers while supplying each customer a slice and dice view of his own environment, of course, all with central user management. A big plus if the tool supports SSO and allows both you and your customer to login using your own and their own existing credentials such as Okta, Entra ID, Google etc. And of course, let's remember that if you're supporting multiple cloud vendors, then you're going to want a tool that supports these vendors. The last thing you want is to be using multiple tools to achieve the same goals but on different clouds. [CTA id="574cb89f-f2c3-4cc5-b4f5-a7c98f7f436a"][/CTA] Key Features Every MSP Should Look For in a Cost Management Tool   So to summarize the main points you want to be looking at: Billing & Invoicing Finops & Cost Reduction SSO with existing IDM’s  MultiCloud support  All of this should be wrapped up in a Multi-tenant supported solution to allow you centralized management and views with slice & dice capabilities and end-user customer access, allowing them views of their own environments. Let's Talk About Your Needs   Looking to transform your MSP cost management and FinOps strategy? Talk to us today to discover how our multi-tenant solution can help you streamline operations, maximize cost efficiency, and deliver unparalleled value to your clients.