Cloud Waste Detector

Boost your cloud efficiency with automated waste detection

Anodot Waste Detector helps FinOps teams identify and prioritize cloud cost optimization across multiple cloud providers, allowing them to get the most out of their growing cloud investments

Controlling cloud waste requires proactive FinOps

Organizations are struggling to control cloud spend. Concerns over costs—due to inflationary pressures, economic uncertainty, and increased resource demands due to investments in generative AI—are driving cloud optimization, forcing companies to take advantage of every cost-cutting opportunity available to them.

According to the 2024 State of FinOps Report, reducing waste and managing commitments are the new leading key priorities across all spending levels. Additionally, enabling automation now ranks among the top three increased priorities.

Anodot’s market-leading waste detection technology is a force multiplier that delivers automated recommendations to optimize both cloud usage and rates, helping FinOps teams maximize cloud value and enable proactive operations.

Identify and prioritize cloud waste efficiently

Anodot Waste Detector helps FinOps teams identify and prioritize cloud cost optimization across multiple cloud providers by automatically generating actionable recommendations and calculating their savings impact.

Use the built-in heat map to group recommendations by potential savings or count. Filter recommendations by status or advanced custom filters. Drill down on both open and completed recommendations. Analyze your cloud waste target compliance over time.


Turn your cloud waste to-do list into a done list

FinOps teams can get things done faster with Anodot. Create a list of open recommendations you can implement, prioritize them based on impact, track your successes, and manage your deferred recommendations. 

Preset status filters help you quickly generate actionable lists, while additional filters let you narrow down your search by any combination of properties, including linked accounts, regions, instance types, resource names, and tags.


Do you know what cloud waste action to take next?

Having a detailed list of actionable recommendations and their potential impact allows you to have meaningful conversations with relevant teams to assess their feasibility. Once recommendations are approved, you can implement them easily with the CLI by copying the provided command into your own script. 

Anodot also makes it easy for you to manage your cost optimization recommendations. You can snooze them, mark their status as done or excluded, star them for future filtering, add comments and labels, and customize their preferences.

Can you identify and manage cloud waste efficiently?

Cloud waste has become a major challenge for every organization. With workloads and resources always changing, identifying and eliminating cloud waste is an ongoing battle that requires granular visibility of cloud spend, domain expertise, advanced monitoring capabilities, and a proactive approach to FinOps.

Cloud waste can be divided into four key categories: overprovisioned resources that must be rightsized; idle/unattached resources that must be terminated; on-demand resources that can be purchased using committed-use discounts; and misconfigured resources that must be re-configured.

Organizations must effectively manage all types of cloud resource waste to maximize their returns on cloud investments. However, many organizations still need to significantly improve their cloud waste management capabilities.

Assess your cloud waste management capabilities

Here are some questions to get you started:

  1. Do you have detailed visibility into your multi-cloud, K8, and SaaS spend?
  2. Can you automatically identify underutilized, idle, or unattached cloud resources? Can you track cloud waste trends over time?
  3. How do you evaluate and prioritize usage and rate optimization recommendations?
  4. Are you able to track the savings impact of implemented recommendations?What about unrealized savings from ignored recommendations?
  5. Do you continuously evaluate the impact of new releases/updates from cloud providers and communicate their benefits to engineering teams?
  6. Do you know when commitment utilization declines or deviates from normal? Can you identify unused commitment-based discounts with daily resolution?
  7. Are stakeholder teams ‌informed early enough about expiring commitments to plan new purchases?

Get rid of multi-cloud waste with Anodot

Find out how Anodot’s intelligent cost optimization platform can support your FinOps strategy.