Demand and growth forecasts that work for you
Anodot’s autonomous demand and growth forecasting helps you navigate the complex world of inventory, operations and financial planning so you can optimize every resource in the face of changing conditions.
Demand I Transportation
How many drivers will I need tomorrow?
Transportation companies aim to optimize the number of drivers to run a smooth operation. Anodot’s Autonomous Forecast helps anticipate consumer demand and adapts the predictive analytics model as conditions change. Link weather forecasts, event schedules and other relevant factors to enhance model accuracy.
Demand I Fintech
How much funding do I need to allocate per currency?
Fintech businesses set aside funds for future cash withdrawals. Autonomous Forecast analyzes historical data such as customer withdrawal patterns, geographic inventory and regional demographics. The platform picks the best predictive analytics model for the data, and tunes the model as variables evolve.
Growth I General
Will we hit our targets next quarter?
Accurate financial forecasting is critical for identifying future revenue and expenditure trends and their impact on a company’s goals. Executives who know their targets are at risk have the opportunity to make the necessary adjustments to ensure the company’s success.
Demand I Telco
What’s my expected network demand and utilization for next month?
Telco subscribers expect seamless delivery of voice, data, Internet, and content services from their provider. Accurately anticipating the demand on the network, both in the short and long term, is critical to maintain the expected level of service while keeping operations (opex) and investment (capex) costs from exploding. Anodot’s Autonomous forecast provides stakeholders with crucial input for optimal decisions regarding network dimensioning and planning.
How many drivers will I need tomorrow?
Transportation companies aim to optimize the number of drivers to run a smooth operation. Anodot’s Autonomous Forecast helps anticipate consumer demand and adapts the predictive analytics model as conditions change. Link weather forecasts, event schedules and other relevant factors to enhance model accuracy.
How much funding do I need to allocate per currency?
Fintech businesses set aside funds for future cash withdrawals. Autonomous Forecast analyzes historical data such as customer withdrawal patterns, geographic inventory and regional demographics. The platform picks the best predictive analytics model for the data, and tunes the model as variables evolve.
Will we hit our targets next quarter?
Accurate financial forecasting is critical for identifying future revenue and expenditure trends and their impact on a company’s goals. Executives who know their targets are at risk have the opportunity to make the necessary adjustments to ensure the company’s success.
What’s my expected network demand and utilization for next month?
Telco subscribers expect seamless delivery of voice, data, Internet, and content services from their provider. Accurately anticipating the demand on the network, both in the short and long term, is critical to maintain the expected level of service while keeping operations (opex) and investment (capex) costs from exploding. Anodot’s Autonomous forecast provides stakeholders with crucial input for optimal decisions regarding network dimensioning and planning.